Tijdens de 3D wedstrijden word er uitgegaan van de boogklasses zoals deze worden beschreven in het handboek van de International Field Archery Association (IFAA). Hieronder de relevante delen voor het bepalen van de boogklasse waar een boog in valt.
Long Bow (LB)
- A bow of any material, which can be either an one piece bow or a bow that can be taken down in two parts and put together again as a one piece bow within the handle (only shared once in the handle), which when strung displays one continued unidirectional curve, which is measured as follows:
- When the strung bow is placed with the bowstring in a vertical position, the angle as measured between the tangent of any point on the limb and an imaginary horizontal line must always decrease as this point is moved further away from the bow grip.
- Where there is any doubt as to the continuing curve of the limb then a string-line laid from the end of the riser fade out to the commencement of the tip overlays (or if there are no overlays then the point at which the bow string is held in the nock groove) on the back of the strung bow shall show no gaps between the string line and the bow limb.
- The tip reinforcing may not exceed 20mm in height, measured from the surface of the back of the bow limb and may not exceed 50mm in length, measured from the centre of the string groove towards the bow grip.
- The bow may contain a window and an arrow shelf. The side of the window shall be slanted over the full length of the window and rounded off at the point where the window intersects with the top bow limb. The window cut may not exceed the centre of the bow.
- The belly, bow grip, the window and the arrow shelf shall be free of any marks or blemishes that may be used as sighting aids. If such blemishes or markings are present on the window of the bow riser, the full length of the back of the window shall be covered with tape.
- Any additions to the bow for the purpose of stabilisation, levelling, draw-weight reduction, sighting and/or draw checking are not permitted
- Only one nocking point shall be allowed on the string, which may be marked by either one or two nocking point locators. If resting nocks are used -such as ball nocks -only one locator may be used.
- String silencers no closer than 30 cm above or below the nocking point are allowed. h. Arrows shall be of wood, fletched with natural feather, and must be of the same fletch and pile, without regard for colour. The arrows must be free of any marks or blemishes that can be used as sighting aids and shall not vary in length by more than 25mm at the start of the competition. Nocks may be of any material and any weight of pile may be used.
- The bow must be shot with the “Mediterranean” loose. In cases of physical deformity or handicap special dispensation shall be made.
- Entries that do not comply with the above rules shall be classified in the recurve bowhunter style or in the shooting style the equipment is allowed and possible to use.
Historische Boog (HB)
- The recognition of the classic bow (also called historical or primitive bow) shall be based on the accepted design and usage during the period preceding the year 1900.
- There shall be no distinction between the different configurations of bow designs or of materials used.
- Only the adult division shall be recognised and there shall be no class grades.
- The bow shall be either a self-wood or composite bow.
- The inclusion of a form of arrow rest or shelf as well as a sight window cut-in shall be permitted, provided such meet the classic configuration of the bow which has established historical precedence.
- The bow shall be constructed of wood or materials that were used during the period of the bow’s historical usage. Modern materials such as carbon, glass fibre and epoxy may not be used. The use of historic glues such as bone glue and hot tree resin is not permitted and only modern glues and adhesives shall be used for the riser and limbs!
- The standard bowstring material shall be polyester. Historical (such as flax or sinew) and/or modern bowstring materials (such as Kevlar, etc.) may not be used.
- Arrows shall be of wood, fletched with natural feather, and must be of the same fletch and pile, without regard for colour. The arrows must be free of any marks or blemishes that can be used as sighting aids and shall not vary in length by more than 25mm at the start of the competition. Modern arrow points or piles as well as modern nocks shall be permitted. Nocks that are cut into the shaft are only permitted when these are strengthened with appropriate materials.
- Accessories such as woven nocking point indicators and thumb rings shall be permitted, provided that such accessory was used during the historic use of the bow.
- The onus shall rest with the archer to ensure that all the equipment that is used for the tournament is historically correct. The shooter shall show documented proof of the correctness of the equipment if so asked by the technical controllers at the tournament.
Bowhunter Recurve (BHR)
- Bows, arrows, string and accessories shall be free from sight marks, blemishes and/or laminations which could be used for aiming.
- Written notes carried on the archer’s person are permitted.
- The use of a levelling device is not permitted.
- No device of any type that may be used for sighting may be attached to the archer’s equipment. Optical devices that assist the archer to obtain consistency in eye alignment and anchor point are not permitted.
- An adjustable arrow rest may be used to control the space between the arrow and the face of the bow window. The arrow rest shall not extend above the arrow.
- No draw check will be permitted. Draw stops incorporated in the cams of a compound bow are permitted.
- A kisser button is not permitted.
- One permanent nocking point only, is allowed on the string. The nocking point may be marked by one or two nock locators.
- One consistent anchor point only is permitted.
- An archer shall touch the arrow when nocked with the index finger against the nock. Finger position may not be changed during competition. In cases of physical deformity or handicap special dispensation shall be made.
- If such blemishes or markings are present on the window of the bow riser, the full length of the back of the window shall be covered with tape.
- Exec Note: parts of the arrow rest that are considered necessary for the proper functioning of such arrow rest may extend above the arrow, especially in the event of very thin arrows: e.g. Stick-on plate, pressure button, spacer, etc. International Field Archery Association Archers’ Handbook: 2017-2018 7
- All arrows used shall be identical in length, weight, diameter, fletching and nocks, without regard for colour, with allowance for wear and tear.
- Brush buttons in their proper places at the recurve tip of the bow; string silencers no closer than twelve inch above or below the nocking point is permitted.
- A bow quiver installed on the opposite side of the sight window with no part of the quiver visible in the bow window is permitted.
- One straight stabiliser, coupling device included, if used, not exceeding twelve inch as measured from the back of the bow may be used. No forked stabiliser or any type of counter balance will be legal. The plunger (where the stabiliser is screwed in) is part of the stabiliser.
- Draw weight shall not be adjusted during any one round.
- One or two string stoppers may be used provided they lie outside the line of vision and cannot be used for aiming.
- The bracket of the string stopper may only have attachments to allow the bracket to function and may not incorporate attachments that give the bracket the function as a counter weight.
Traditional Recurve (TR)
- A recurve bow manufactured from wood, which can either be a one piece bow or a bow that can be taken down in two or more parts.
- The riser or grip of the bow shall be made mainly from wood that may be laminated with glass or carbon fibre reinforced polymers, or similar materials.
- The limbs shall have a wood core which may be laminated on the outside, using glass or carbon fibre, or similar.
- The arrow shall be shot from the hand or from the bow shelf. For protection against wear and tear, the shelf may contain a thin plate (leather or felt patch against the riser) and a piece of felt, rug or skin (or similar material) on the shelf.
- The riser shall be free of any markings or blemishes that may be used for sighting.
- Any additions to the bow for the purpose of stabilisation, levelling, draw-weight reduction, sighting and/or draw checking are not permitted.
- An arrow rest, adjustable or non-adjustable, is not permitted.
- The bow must be shot with the “Mediterranean loose. A finger tab or glove is permitted.
- Face walking is not permitted.
- Only one permanent nocking point is allowed, which may be marked by one or two nock locators. The use of a ball-nock is permitted.
- Arrows shall be made of any material, fletched with natural feathers. The arrows shall be similar in material, length, weight, spine, diameter and nocks, regardless of colour and with allowance for wear and tear.
- Limb savers, string silencers and brush buttons are permitted and if used, must be at least 12 inches above or below the nocking point.
- A bow quiver may be installed on the opposite side of the window, as long as no parts of the quiver are visible in the window. If a bow quiver is installed, only arrows on this quiver shall be shot during the competition.
Barebow Recurve (BBR)
- Bow, arrows, strings and accessories shall be free from sights, marks, blemishes or laminations markings which could be used for aiming.
- If such blemishes or markings are present on the window of the bow riser, the full length of the back of the window shall be covered with tape.
- Written notes carried on the archer’s person are permitted.
- An adjustable arrow rest may be used to control the space between the arrow and the face of the bow window. The arrow rest shall not extend above the arrow shaft. c. The use of stabilisers is permitted.
- Draw stops incorporated in the cams of a compound bow are permitted.
- One permanent nocking point only is permitted which may be marked by one or two nock locators.
- No mechanical device will be permitted other than one non-adjustable draw check and/or level mounted on the bow, neither of which may extend above the arrow.
- All arrows used shall be identical in length, weight, diameter, fletching and nocks, without regard to colour, with allowance for wear and tear.
- One or two string stoppers may be used provided they lie outside the line of vision and cannot be used for aiming.
Freestyle Limited Recurve (FSR)
Any type of recurve bow and sight recognised by the IFAA World Council is permitted.
Compound Unlimited
Any type of Compound bow, sight and release aid recognised by the IFAA World Council is permitted.